Moderated Behaviour For Krumlink

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Well-Known Member
Well guy's I'm back and it's good to see krumlink got banned again. What that young kid did to me well if I knew him in person he would be one sore kid. But anyway maybe instead of him blinding this forum with useless posts maybe limit him to one post a day. That way we might see the true krumlink learning instead of a kid making some many members upset with his comments. I've been a long time forum member and I won't let a kid spoil my further interaction where I know I can help fellow members. In the alternate forum I can help most posts as my time away from here I've managed to get my home machieshop 99% carbon free when machining.

Cheers from Bryan holding a cane just for a young kid who needs to learn manners
We were all young once but it seems that the youth of today have a lot less respect for their elders than we used to.
Krumlink was banned for foul language. Not due to the number of posts.

The thread in question was about a real project, not one of the what is your favorite color sort.

I have been working with Krumlink for a few weeks. I am fairly sure that once he gets the basics down he will be spending more time at the bench and keyboard.

As I suggested prior to your exit. If you do not want to deal with Krumlink (or anyone) put them on you ignore list. You will never see their posts.

In short there is no need for the type of action you are suggesting.
Krumlink is learning PIC these days so in future there will be around 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 posts of him regarding PICs
I know your a tutor for krumlink, maybe if you could get him to re-tract the negative rep where he called me 'being a dick' I might get to respect him again., and I will then help him on his wind genny project.

cheers bryan
bryan1 said:
I know your a tutor for krumlink, maybe if you could get him to re-tract the negative rep where he called me 'being a dick' I might get to respect him again., and I will then help him on his wind genny project.

cheers bryan

I will give it a shot.

Gayan Soyza said:
Krumlink is learning PIC these days so in future there will be around 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00 posts of him regarding PICs
That is a lot of zeros but I get the point. We have already been down that path. As part of the ground rules for tutoring he is not to post questions about his homework.

We are still working on the basics and will be for some time. We have started lessons but I am still working on getting some needed tools in place. It will be nice if the XP shared desktop (remote assistance) works. We had to start by getting internet on his PC. Now his PC is off site for repairs.
If you need remote desktop etc access I can recommend the free version of VNC from

I use it often from home to fix friends computers via the net.

Use a strong password (sentence) include some obscure symbols e.g.

¶ º » ¼ ½ ³ ² ± ° ¯ ® **¬ « etc
ultravnc has some nicer features than realvnc, and it's free too. the file transfer interface is much nicer
Microsoft remote assistance allows both people to use and watch the desktop at the same time. The last time I checked VNC only allowed remote access. You could not share a desktop.

There is also the issue of port forwarding. It is better if I do not have to mess with the students network. MS has it worked out such that the connection is setup via instant messaging. If I understood it right it will work without setting anything in the firewalls. I hope!
Let see.

Have student setup a linux box with desktop.
Then have student install wine.
Then have student install mplab etc...

Only in nightmare.
just use vnc - read the manual and learn how host initiated connections work. the host actually dials into the guest, so you don't have to mess with port forwarding on the host (remote) side. there is no problem with either party being able to share control, aside from knowing whos turn it is to move the mouse.
Thanks JustDIY.

It has been about 10 years since I did any serious work with VNC. Did not know you could use it to share the desktop. Looks like ultraVNC will work fine.
Remote access is just ideal for inviting others to gain unauthorised access to you PC.

Also, leave Krumlink alone, we were all probably like him at one stage in our lives. I think it's lucky that he seems to be strong and confident or he'd be really depressed after all the bashing.
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Hero999 said:
Remote access is just ideal for inviting others to gain unauthorised access to you PC.

care to elaborate, or is this just a general internet paranoia statement?
Regarding the netsecurity advice. All they said is that if you are not using remote desktop or desktop sharing then it is safer to turn it off. You can say the save about any other network based program or service.

Both the built in desktop sharing and VNC are free. It would stand to reason that a system which required setup on the remote machine would be more secure. I am not sure that I buy their sales pitch.

You may recall that I was looking for a way to help Krumlin, have both of us share his desktop. Windows messenger has a feature that allows the remote user (student) to request help. After a bit of manual handshaking (invites) I can view or control his desktop. Also allows me to send files. It is very handy.

Another thing that would be nice. The ability for me to display my desktop on several other computers. Have computer broadcasts and any number of other computers (students) view my desktop as I demonstrate whatever. I need it at school all the computers are on the same local network. Less needed would be the ability to have remote students on the internet.

Not sure which app can do this.
Maybe VNCultra. Have not had time to look into it.

Thanks Everyone.
Not sure how expensive it is, but my high school used:
**broken link removed**

Worked well in CAD; the teacher could override student screens, explain stuff, "dry erase marker" on his own screen, or pass the marker around so students could highlight where they had questions. It's also good for classroom management; my one drafting teacher had fun taking over students' computers and messing up their games of solitaire by mixing all of the cards.

Overall it works well; not sure if you need the extra doodads and the price is probably a bit high *looks* -- it's probably expensive considering they want you to call for a quote. Might be worth it though because the license is school-wide.

There's my two cents.

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