monitoring diesel generator

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New Member
i need to monitor diesel generator and display the status the things i need to monitor is voltage,current,llop,hct/hwt,overload.
i am new to power electronics can anyone one suggest me how to go ahead.

Do you want to display the information at the generator, or remotely?
How big is the generator, 1kVA, 10kVA, 1MVA?
What is llop, hct/hwt ?

i want to display it and llop is low lubricant oil pressure,high cooling temperature ,high water temperature.
i want to display it and llop is low lubricant oil pressure,high cooling temperature ,high water temperature.

What's the difference between high cooling temperature and high water temperature? (If the water is used for another purpose than cooling)
Where are you using it ? I mean in what kind of task you are using this Diesel Generators?
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You can do all of that with one or more data loggers. There are some kit data loggers available that might accomplish what you want. However, most data loggers do not have a built in display.

For temperature monitoring, you could simply use a thermistor and monitor its resistance with a microcontroller. See the following link for a circuit that does this.
**broken link removed**


Jeff Fedison
Micro Circuit Labs


  • DTL_Manual_RevA.pdf
    179.3 KB · Views: 305
You can do all of that with one or more data loggers. There are some kit data loggers available that might accomplish what you want. However, most data loggers do not have a built in display.

For temperature monitoring, you could simply use a thermistor and monitor its resistance with a microcontroller. I will post an example of a circuit that does this.


Jeff Fedison
Micro Circuit Labs
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Example of a simple 1-channel temperature data logger circuit to monitor temperature from -40 to +214F.


  • dtl_schematic.png
    44.9 KB · Views: 210
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