Monolithic or microkernel

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New Member
Hi people,
Is windows xp monolithic or microkernel. I googled it but couldnt find the answer. Can anybody help me?
Google for "windows Monolithic or microkernel"
If u dont the answer keep shut. It automatically indicates that nobody knows the answer. Dont make those nonsense reply.
There is no well defined answer to the question. This is because it becomes a matter of how in detail, monolithic or microkernel are defined. Give this a read and use the additional links to draw your own conclusions.

If u dont the answer keep shut. It automatically indicates that nobody knows the answer. Dont make those nonsense reply.
I was attempting to show you how easy the answer was to find rather then spoon feed your lazy mind.
Had you bothered to do the search I suggested you would have you would have seen this link on the first line of the search. It is also lame to lash out at someone who is trying to help you. For that you have earned a negative reputation.

But like many things this is not a black and white thing so I encourage you to read more about it at.

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The XP micro kernel can do nothing more than help to allow the rest of the operation system to load itself and discover it's hardware environment. Once booted, without the modules the OS doesn't exist and it becomes a monolithic kernel in practice, if not in the pure sense of code.
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