more questions about asm code

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hey no problem.

Do you have any pics on hand? Heh just out of boredom im going to create some video tutorials on some basics on pics. I guess ill make some using a bread board and stuff. Ill make 1 now and if people like it ill start making more and more and more lol
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yah i have 16f84 here. 3 pins breaked when i pulled the ic out the socket lols. i learned to pick it out using a flat screw driver so they wouldnt break.

that would be a great idea. looking forward to learn from your tutorial.
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ok cool sorry bout the pins tho. I use a pen on one side just a little and then on the other side a little and then pull with fingers. ill show how in video also.


I have to charge my cam batteries so it will be in a little. maybe 1 hour.
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There not using a switch in the
PC-to-PIC serial communication
it's commented out I could draw you the circuit for that I may even still have the book in PDF
I think I do some where on one of my four computers. Oh if you don't want to brake more pins get a IC puller you can remove them with a small flat screwdriver prying a little at a time to one end then switch ends pry it up a little and keep doing it till you get it out. But don't pry just one end.
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Here is my gift lol a fixed HTML file all the links work now.
You can unzip it or just download the pic16f84.html.txt and then rename it to :


and then open it up and you will find a working page.


    11.1 KB · Views: 195
  • pic16f84.html.txt
    34.6 KB · Views: 1,235
This is a small video:

Preparing a PIC for use.

May take a few min to process since i just uploaded it. Sorry if i sound like crap lol im kinda a stutter thinker lol

Video is now working!

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What did you do to that pickit2 looks like cut a hole in and tape it back I though mine looked bad lol. Good job on the video jason I'm going to make a pickit got the chips. Bill said you could use it a bit whacker Thanks for fixing the img links now i get back to what I was doing lol
heh no problem. Ill make a new video on how to blink LED and stuff.

The PICKIT 2 was damaged and i had to reprogram it then a pin broke then more broke then i had decided once fixed i glued it then i broke the usb part then i made my own lol so much lol but it works 100% tho lol
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i just woke up and went to here straight lol. i guess theres a reason why its commented out. i thought it was some sort of typo so i removed the semi colon. ill try reprogram again while that part is now commented out.

ic puller? ill ask my local electronic store.

AtomSoft, I swear that schematic diagram (picture) was not in the folder when i looked for it. how da hell did you make it appear lols. thank you for the effort fixing the images.

be80be, the schematic is working again. thank you anyway for the offer.

yah looks like you cut a hole i think you have hit it with a hammer when you got angry lols. yes great job on the prep a pic. what is next?
Where you live radio shack still sales them here you can get them out with the screwdriver just take your time and lift it up at both ends slowly. Don't do just one end.
i live in asia and no radio shack around. im not sure if they have that here. they even dont have those zifs that had levers. life would be easier if i had them around. screw driver approach and not just one end ill remember that. ty man.
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You could make one out of the metal strap like they use to bind wood and boxes with
here a look **broken link removed** wouldn't be hard to make one.
I like the screwdriver better
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Ill make a quick Video on how i remove a pic from the breadboard. Then how to flash a LED using ASM and the PIC18F1320
yah be80be, i think screwdriver is better since you have more control to the force you apply when the pic is pulled out the socket. ic puller could slip and damage the pins.
If i do it will be using the 16F627 which is just like the 16F628 mainly becuz it has:


Which in plain terms means serial transceiver.
whatever you think is best Atom. I still don't have that pic thou. I hope this pic is newbie friendly. I'll make some calls how much this would cost me.
I made the video and am now uploading i wil edit this post with video when done. They are cheap. I buy from here all the time:

**broken link removed**

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