moron / lazy bloke needing a little help

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New Member
Hey. I have been just a little busy with the supporting of mates going through different emotional crisis's over the weekend and havent had the chance to churn out a basic electronics circuit diagram. I was wondering if you knew any places online where I chould get free diagrams for basic circuits. Id be even more grateful if you were to post up an old project you did. ahhh.... I sound like a cheapskate, but it is needed rather urgently.
Some of you will say "dont be a *******. go to the shop and get some yourself" but im afraid my knee is all gross and infected. Iv just gotten back from the doctors and am currently stressing out at uni :?
Any help would be awesome.
hah. Scratch that. I didnt see the entire forum dedicated to such things. Sorry folks. Im a moron :wink:
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