MOSFET driver

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Find the attached schematic, i am using this circuit to drive high side n-channel mosfet...
i am feeding the PWM signal from a ATMega 88 controller of 20KHz varing duty cycle from 0-90%.but the driver circuit works till 70% if i try to feed above 70% it is folding back WHAT MIGHT BE THE REASON FOR this behavior what is the solution to come out from this problem...??????? using pulse transformer



  • SCHEMATIC1 _ DC-DC.pdf
    25.4 KB · Views: 229
You can not make a transformer pass 0% (near 0) and 100% (near 100). A transformer can not pass DC or near DC. It works best at 50%. We can extend its range some. If you know much about duty cycle/ transformers/ fly-back voltages etc you will see why the transformer has problems.

Look at LM5104. It will drive from 0% through about 95%. It can not go to 100%
I notice D10 and D11 are shown with opposite polarity. Shouldn't D10 be the other way round?
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