most easy to use pic compiller

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New Member
need some suggestion from all pic PRO, which compiler is the best and easy to use ?
picbasic pro...... mplab....high-tech c or suggest me to use other..........
i am also a noob and strugled with the question of compilers.....for what its worth i would say try c18 from mplab as its free and there is alot of help about for it. C is a pretty tough learning curve but it does get easier as you progress, it can be frustrating at times but is worth the effort to learn, i tried basic and its ok it dosnt have anywhere near the power of C and in the long run C is the better option. but will come down to how much effort your willing to put in at the beginning, if you want a really easy life then have a look at JAL i havnt tried it much but looks very easy, although i would guess your pretty limited to what you can achieve with it
For me, the easiest language seems to be BASIC and I find mikroBASIC the best as it supports AVR, PIC12,16,18,24,30,33, 8051
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I have been using mikroC, and I like it. More you use it, more you will be comfortable with it, no matter is it C- or BASIC-based.
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