Well-Known Member
This is the second year we have an underground wasp nest in our garden, last year I got stung fifteen times, and build a 2200 Volts MOT wasp Zapper which worked fine, but I had to limit the current with a damp sand ballast.
This year my wife was stung by wasps.
This improved design works well and doesn't require current limit as the Capacitors more or less control the current.
Output is 5600 Volts DC.
1 x MOT with Voltage doubler made from 2 x 1 µF microwave capacitors.
The supply is fed through a small overhead line to the device.
As lethal voltages are present, it is wise to remain on site while zapping the wasps.
The wasps actually explode when touching or nearby the grid.
I made up a wasp series on YouTube for whoever is interested.
Done also tests with a ZVS driver, and an old 14" CRT TV.
All devices work fine, but the Capacitor one is the best to use.
I made up an event counter after I blew up the first 5000 wasps.
The nest is still active and every afternoon I switch on and reduce the wasp population.
We have a big problem with these Yellow Jackets in New Zealand.
They are very aggressive and do a lot of damage to our native insects and caterpillars.