Motion Controls

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Andy Richards

New Member
Hello all. I am thinking of creating a pistol motion controller that I could hook up to my raspberry pi to program a game. I don't know how to create the aiming system and hit indicator. Could anyone help me with this? Thanks.
controller that I could hook up to my raspberry pi to program a game

Do you want to use a controller exclusively on RPi or do you want to make a HID device?

I don't know if you are aware of how this type of controllers work.
If you are referring to old school NES pistol like this:

This one has nothing to do with motion it's just a cheap trick of receiving the light from the screen.

If you are referring to PS Move controllers from Sony these are in fact motion controllered system and they require much more effort.

You firstly need to attach and utilize gyroscope sensor to be able to get the current "global" rotation values on all three axes.

Then you need to start tracking the change of this rotation in relation with the screen.

It's a lot of work.
Could you describe the physical system you have in mind and how it would be used more?
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