Motor and ESC question

So for a motor that comes with a ESC the most simple way to control the speed with the ESC how would you go about that?
I assume this is for a radio controlled device (RC car or RC airplane/drone. If so, the radio receiver module should connect to the ESC and you transmit your desired speed with the lever on the transmitter radio box (controller).

Otherwise, you'll have to post the exact ESC make, model number and (hopefully), datasheet. The datasheet will explain the control mechanism. Sometimes, a simple potentiometer, other times it is serial communication with
UART, SPI or I2C protocol. Or pulse-width-modulation (PWM). Post the datasheet or what ever info you have.
For a radio control style one, you can control them easily (and RC servos) by sending short pulses at regular intervals using a microcontroller.

The commonest type use a pulse length between 1mS and 2mS for the range of speed or travel, with 1.5mS long being centre or mid speed.

The pulse has to repeat around 50 times a second to keep the servo or ESC "live".

You can also produce the required pulses for a single device with a 555 timer IC and a few components!

For anything other than an RC type, we need the full speed controller details, as ZZO said.
I don't want it to be radio controlled but something manual with a dial or lever.
I don't want it to be radio controlled but something manual with a dial or lever.

If it's a radio control type ESC, then you need to convert the movement of the potentiometer to a suitable signal for the ESC.

There have been countless such examples for decades, usually using a 555 timer or two.

It's been discussed here before:

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