Motor circuit for 7th grade science project

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I am building a battery powered car for a 7th grade science fair and need help with the electrical stuff.
I am just learning about this and don't know if I am doing it right.
I need to turn my car on with a push button switch and have it turn off when it hits another switch on the axle and turn on a light when the motor turns off.
I made the circuit shown in my drawing but I have to hold down the push button switch for a few seconds before the relay will catch, I need the car to go the second the switch is pushed down.
My Dad thinks I need to add a capacitor in there but I had know idea until today what a capacitor was or how to add it to my electrical drawing.

Were only allowed to use Switches, Mechanical relays, Resistors, capacitors, Motors. battery's 4.8vdc max
The motor and battery are from a Milwaukee 6546-6 2.4 Volt Two Speed Screwdriver
The relay is 5 volts
The car only needs to run for 1 minute at a time


  • Motor control.JPG
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