Motors and Magnets

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New Member
Lately I've been struggling to understand magnetic fields, inductors, transformers, and other magnetic field related components.

I have attached my notes on all of it if anyone wants to have a look.
Please excuse the coil drawings... I did them by hand in MS Paint

Thanks everyone!


  • Motors and Magnets.doc
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Seems like you have a pretty good understanding of how it all works, Colin mostly made grammer/syntax corrections.
But he did not understand the most important aspect of a collapsing field - voltage is produced in the opposite direction.
**broken link removed**

According to this article, the left hand rule applies a non-conventional current flow
For electron flow it's proper, unless your a physicist it's best to get that idea out of your head immediately. The right hand rule always applies for conventional current. In a motor you're sending current through a coil. In a generator you're receiving it so the rule is reversed. The professor that taught the left hand rule was correct, but from an electron flow perspective, he was either a physicist or a purist.
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The left and right hand rules were all devised in the time of conventional current flow.

I have made only some of the changes and I expect you to add them etc and then post the article for more comment. I only do small things at a time. I never produce an article under less than 10 re-writes.
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