Mouser Slacking

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Well-Known Member
Mouser is starting to get me mad heh... Its been 3 days since i made my last order and it hasnt even shipped out yet. What the hell is going on!

Just felt like screaming that out somewhere ... They had ton of stock when i ordered... I made sure i selected from well stock items...
It's just an idea, but I guess Mouser is doing what many companies are doing right now - replacing full time jobs with half time jobs at lower payments.

New personnel, just having to take care of packaging and shipment, has to be trained.

This will take a while and it won't be good for the customers, waiting excessively long for a delivery - who finally decide to turn away from Mouser (second face of the medal) and search for a more reliable supplier.

I would be surprised to find that they were screwing up.

They have toll free numbers and online chat. Ask them what the problem is.

My orders are shipped the same day if I place them prior to 4PM. I have them by 2PM the next day. I am about 600 miles away.
Thanks. I didnt want to bother them in anyway tho. But ill check for contact info..

Boncuk that sounds like a growing problem. It would suck if thats the case.
Its shipping today! YAY! heh
The customers service reps are paid to answer just this sort of question. There is no bother.
Thanks. I didnt want to bother them in anyway tho. But ill check for contact info..
Complaining here is like preaching to the choir... so to speak. We can listen but we can't do much to resolve your problem. I see your shipment has been processed, but in the future, go to the source of the problem... jump on them since that's where real satisfaction should emenate from.

this was a place for me to yell heh... thats why its in **** chat
So you ordered late Friday night, then complain when the parts haven't arrived early on Monday - get real!
I never complained they didnt arrive Nigel heh i complained it was not updated at all. That it was not even marked as awaiting shipment or something.
I never complained they didnt arrive Nigel heh i complained it was not updated at all. That it was not even marked as awaiting shipment or something.

You posted here at 8:16am (your time) on the day they received the order - don't you think that was giving them no time at all to have updated it?, I certainly do.
If they are a big comapny they should have tons of employees and automated systems. and should work on Saturday. Even the postal office is open saturday. Its a normal thing. If i can order on monday and it be updated monday night why not order friday and be updated on saturday?

As I understand it, you've already been told they don't work Saturday:

Dian: We are closed at 8:00pm and do not open again until Monday at 7:00am

You don't think 7:00am to 8:00pm five days a week is enough?.
As I understand it, you've already been told they don't work Saturday:

Not sure if you noticed... i never knew they were closed saturday until TODAY aka AFTER THE CHAT...

You don't think 7:00am to 8:00pm five days a week is enough?.

To be honest no. Such a large company should be open 7 days a week. Business never stops. Its not like there is 1 guy working a 24 hour shift you know. Many people can have different shifts. Every JOB i ever had i worked 6 days a week mon-sat. But the company was open 7 days a week with other staff.
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