MP3 Player(complate project)

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New Member
hi every one
i think itis impossible but if we try we will learn more
who could work with me to develope this project
i wnt to make( 32 mbyte ) Mp3 player
commponent 1-PIC16f84(*3)
4-AT45DB642(memory)(*4)OR DATA FLASH CARD
Main idea one pic get data from rs232(ra0,ra1) or from adc(ra2,ra3,ra4) & store in memory(rb0,rb1,rb2,rb3)
second pic controlled by four pushboton(ra0,ra1,ra2,ra3) & read from memory(rb0,rb1,rb2,rb3),out speeker(rb4,rb5),out lcd(rb6,rb7)
third pic read from second pic(ra0,ra1)
send to lcd(ra2,ra3,ra4,rb0-to-rb7)

who enjoy to work with me & also to help me i wait him
Many people have already done such a project with success. But you'll have to use a bigger pic. One 16F877 (maybe even an 18F?) would be much more suited then 16F84's

Reading or writing to compactflash is possible, but takes a couple of 20 IO lines, so don't even try with a small pic.

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shows some information about interfacing CF with a pic. Could be a nice starting point for the project, trying to read/write to CF and optimizing it to get enough speed to sustain an mp3 stream.

Secondly, you'll need an MP3 decoder chip. An DA converter alone won't do it, and decoing mp3 in software is impossible with just a µC
The VS1001K for example is a single chip mp3decoder

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hi every body
why no one try to work with me in this project
we can modify the idea if itis difficult
what about using
hard disk
i think that will be fine isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!
does any one know subroutine for read from hard disk!!!!!!!!
besho741 said:
hi every body
why no one try to work with me in this project

There's already loads of such projects out on the net, try googling for them - why bother reinventing the wheel?.

BTW, using a PIC with a hard disk isn't easy, as it doesn't have sufficient memory capacity.
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