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Mplab 8.1

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New Member
How do I convert this code to work for MPLAB 8.1? props to bebe

LIST p=16F628a  
 include "" 
 ERRORLEVEL 0, -302 ;suppress bank selection messages
 __config 0x3D18
  cblock 0x20   ;start of general purpose registers
   count   ;used in looping routines
   count1   ;used in delay routine
   counta   ;used in delay routine
   countb   ;used in delay routine
   tmp1   ;temporary storage
   key   ;which key was pressed
   rows   ;counter for number of rows
   code1   ;registers for secret code
   key1   ;registers for keyed attempts

KEY_PORT Equ PORTB   ;keypad port
 	Col1  Equ 0   ;pins used for keypad inputs
 	Col2  Equ 1
 	Col3  Equ 2
 	Col4  Equ 3
  org 0x0000
  goto Start



Start  movlw 0x07
  movwf CMCON   ;turn comparators off (make it like a 16F84)
Initialise movlw '0'   ;set 4 digit secret code
  movwf code1
  movlw '0'
  movwf code2
  movlw '0'
  movwf code3
  movlw '0'
  movwf code4
SetPorts bsf  STATUS,  RP0 ;select bank 1
  movlw 0x0F   ;set keypad pins
  movwf KEY_TRIS  ;half in, half out
  movwf TRISB
  bcf  STATUS,  RP0 ;select bank 0

;Keypad subroutines
Chk_Keys movlw 0x00   ;wait until no key pressed
  movwf KEY_PORT  ;set all output pins low
  movf KEY_PORT, W
  andlw 0x0F   ;mask off high byte
  sublw 0x0F
  btfsc STATUS, Z  ;test if any key pressed
  goto Keys   ;if none, read keys
  call Delay20
  goto Chk_Keys  ;else try again
Keys    call    Scan_Keys
  movlw   0x10   ;check for no key pressed
  subwf   key, w
  btfss   STATUS, Z
  goto    Key_Found
  call Delay20
  goto Keys
Key_Found       movf    key, w
  andlw 0x0f
  call Key_Table  ;lookup key in table 
  movwf key   ;save back in key
  return    ;key pressed now in W
Scan_Keys   clrf    key
  movlw 0xF0   ;set all output lines high
  movwf   KEY_PORT
  movlw   0x04
  movwf   rows   ;set number of rows
  bcf     STATUS, C  ;put a 0 into carry
Scan    rrf     KEY_PORT, f
  bsf     STATUS, C  ;follow the zero with ones
  incf    key, f
  btfss   KEY_PORT, Col3
  goto    Press
  incf    key, f
  btfss   KEY_PORT, Col2
  goto    Press
  incf    key, f
  btfss   KEY_PORT, Col1
  goto    Press
  incf    key, f
  decfsz  rows, f
   goto    Scan
;end of keypad subroutines.
Press   	 return
Delay255 	movlw 0xff   ;delay 255 mS
  			goto d0
Delay100	movlw d'100'   ;delay 100mS
  			goto d0
Delay50  	movlw d'50'   ;delay 50mS
  			goto d0
Delay20  	movlw d'20'   ;delay 20mS
  			goto d0
Delay5  	movlw 0x05   ;delay 5.000 ms (4 MHz clock)
d0  		movwf count1
d1  		movlw 0xC7   ;delay 1mS
  			movwf counta
  			movlw 0x01
  			movwf countb
  			decfsz counta, f
  			goto $+2
  			decfsz countb, f
  			goto Delay_0
  			decfsz count1 ,f
 			goto d1
  			retlw 0x00
Key_Table   ADDWF   PCL       , f ;translation table for keypad
    RETLW   0x31 ;1
    RETLW   0x34 ;4
    RETLW   0x37 ;7
    RETLW   0x2a ;*
    RETLW   0x32 ;2
    RETLW   0x35 ;5
    RETLW   0x38 ;8
    RETLW   0x30 ;0
    RETLW   0x33 ;3
    RETLW   0x36 ;6
    RETLW   0x39 ;9
    RETLW   0x23 ;#
    RETLW   0x43 ;C
    RETLW   0x44 ;D
    RETLW   0x45 ;E
    RETLW   0x46 ;F

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would you mind converting the code?
There's no conversion necessary. It assembles just fine (aside from some minor formatting errors). Read MPLAB's help to learn how to create a project, add that source file to your project and assemble. No problem. :D

Here it is cleaned up so no errors:
        LIST p=16F628a  
        include "" 
        ERRORLEVEL 0, -302 ;suppress bank selection messages
        __config 0x3D18
        cblock 0x20             ;start of general purpose registers
        count                   ;used in looping routines
        count1                  ;used in delay routine
        counta                  ;used in delay routine
        countb                  ;used in delay routine
        tmp1,tmp2               ;temporary storage
        key                     ;which key was pressed
        rows                    ;counter for number of rows
        code1,code2,code3,code4 ;registers for secret code
        key1,key2,key3,key4     ;registers for keyed attempts

KEY_PORT Equ    PORTB   ;keypad port
Col1    Equ     0       ;pins used for keypad inputs
Col2    Equ     1
Col3    Equ     2
Col4    Equ     3

	org     0x0000
        goto    Start

Start   movlw   0x07
        movwf   CMCON   ;turn comparators off (make it like a 16F84)
        movlw   '0'     ;set 4 digit secret code
        movwf   code1
        movlw   '0'
        movwf   code2
        movlw   '0'
        movwf   code3
        movlw   '0'
        movwf   code4
        bsf     STATUS,RP0      ;select bank 1
        movlw   0x0F            ;set keypad pins
        movwf   KEY_TRIS        ;half in, half out
        movwf   TRISB
        bcf     STATUS,RP0      ;select bank 0

;Keypad subroutines
        movlw   0x00            ;wait until no key pressed
        movwf   KEY_PORT        ;set all output pins low
        movf    KEY_PORT, W
        andlw   0x0F            ;mask off high byte
        sublw   0x0F
        btfsc   STATUS, Z       ;test if any key pressed
        goto    Keys            ;if none, read keys
        call    Delay20
        goto    Chk_Keys        ;else try again
Keys    call    Scan_Keys
        movlw   0x10            ;check for no key pressed
        subwf   key, w
        btfss   STATUS, Z
        goto    Key_Found
        call    Delay20
        goto    Keys
        movf    key, w
        andlw   0x0f
        call    Key_Table       ;lookup key in table 
        movwf   key             ;save back in key
        return                  ;key pressed now in W
        clrf    key
        movlw   0xF0            ;set all output lines high
        movwf   KEY_PORT
        movlw   0x04
        movwf   rows            ;set number of rows
        bcf     STATUS,C        ;put a 0 into carry
Scan    rrf     KEY_PORT,f
        bsf     STATUS,C        ;follow the zero with ones
        incf    key, f
        btfss   KEY_PORT, Col3
        goto    Press
        incf    key, f
        btfss   KEY_PORT, Col2
        goto    Press
        incf    key, f
        btfss   KEY_PORT, Col1
        goto    Press
        incf    key, f
        decfsz  rows, f
        goto    Scan
;end of keypad subroutines.
Press   return
        movlw   0xff    ;delay 255 mS
        goto    d0
        movlw   d'100'  ;delay 100mS
        goto    d0
Delay50 movlw   d'50'   ;delay 50mS
        goto    d0
        movlw   d'20'   ;delay 20mS
        goto    d0
Delay5  movlw   0x05    ;delay 5.000 ms (4 MHz clock)
d0      movwf   count1
d1      movlw   0xC7    ;delay 1mS
        movwf   counta
        movlw   0x01
        movwf   countb
        decfsz  counta,f
        goto    $+2
        decfsz  countb,f
        goto    Delay_0
        decfsz  count1,f
        goto    d1
        retlw   0x00
        ADDWF   PCL,f   ;translation table for keypad
        RETLW   0x31    ;1
        RETLW   0x34    ;4
        RETLW   0x37    ;7
        RETLW   0x2a    ;*
        RETLW   0x32    ;2
        RETLW   0x35    ;5
        RETLW   0x38    ;8
        RETLW   0x30    ;0
        RETLW   0x33    ;3
        RETLW   0x36    ;6
        RETLW   0x39    ;9
        RETLW   0x23    ;#
        RETLW   0x43    ;C
        RETLW   0x44    ;D
        RETLW   0x45    ;E
        RETLW   0x46    ;F

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