Mplab Help

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New Member
what could be the cause of these error messages?

150 Labels must be defined in a code or data section when making an
object file
When generating a linkable object file, all data and code address labels must be
defined inside a data or code section. Symbols defined by the equ and set directives
can be defined outside of a section.

152 Executable code and data must be defined in an appropriate section
When generating a linkable object file, all executable code and data declarations must
be placed within appropriate sections.

i was trying to build a project for the first time and it gave me these two errors for almost every line of code.

i was useing the MPLINKER, i added my .asm code to the project and tryed to build.

Did i miss anything?
use something like swordfish to program your pic's! i found this site useful; **broken link removed**

watch the first video in the video tutorial section, it helped me heaps
Remove the linker file from the project and just use project/make all.

If it still doesn't work then post your asm file. Put
 before and
after your code so it keeps it's formatting.

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