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MPlab HI tech C Errors....PLz Help

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Error [1347] ; 0. can't find 0xE3 words (0xe3 withtotal) for psect "text254" in class "CODE" (largest unused contiguous range 0xC8)
Error [1347] ; 0. can't find 0x8 words (0x8 withtotal) for psect "clrtext" in class "CODE" (largest unused contiguous range 0x3)
Error [1347] ; 0. can't find 0x7 words (0x7 withtotal) for psect "cinit" in class "CODE" (largest unused contiguous range 0x3)
Error [1347] ; 0. can't find 0x4 words (0x4 withtotal) for psect "maintext" in class "CODE" (largest unused contiguous range 0x3)

I am using HI tech C compiler for PIC12f675 and program is not compiling its giving these errors plz someone help me.
what are these errors how to resolve them.
Thanks For Your Reply Yes I got is the code was really too large i wrote that for pic18f452 and then converted that for pic12f675 now there isn't ny errors while building that code.
here is another problem i am facing i don't know whats happening none of my code is running now each time i write in Hi-Tech C using MPlab V8.33 it was working yesterday but dont know what happened to the code now i am just trying to light and led connected to GPIO5.
I tried a lot but nothing is happening on the other hand when i try usnig mikroc it works fine.
here is my code
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000
void main()
ANSEL = 0x00; // Set ports as digital I/O, not analog input
ADCON0 = 0x00; // Shut off the A/D Converter
CMCON = 0x07; // Shut off the Comparator
VRCON = 0x00; // Shut off the Voltage Reference
TRISIO = 0x08; // GP3 input, rest all output
GPIO = 0x00; // Make all pins 0

here is the view of pic memory....why my code is too long using mplab and when using mikroc its just 3 or 4 lines of memory... m2.JPG
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