MPLAB IDE and MPLAB Sim irritating behaviour

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Joel Rainville

New Member
When having MPLAB Sim selected as the active debugger, how do I stop the editor from scrolling back to the first line of code after a successful build? This is annoying!

I will often assemble my project a few times between debugging sessions, to make sure everything assembles correctly. On big source files, the scrolling back and forth is a major PITA!...

I can't seem to find a menu/option that will disable this.


I asked the same question on Microchip's MPLAB Sim forum. Hopefully, someone from Microchip will be able to answer tommorrow (monday).

I am pretty sure it is hardcoded in the software. I can see why someone would enjoy that feature. Write code, debug right away from 1st line of code. But they really oughta make it optional in a menu somewhere.

Maybe we'll be able to squeeze a new MPLAB 7.21 build out of them
Joel Rainville said:
Maybe we'll be able to squeeze a new MPLAB 7.21 build out of them
Thanks for asking, I want to have it optional too, But I am sure it won't make it into 7.21, because they have a very strict dead-lines, and the one for 7.21 was at the end of July!
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