MPlab IDED v 8.92 corrupted ..?

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Well-Known Member

Something has happened to Mplab and when I start it just gives these two error messages.

Have un and re installed with the same results.

Have then uninstalled again and deleted all references I can find to Mplab in the Users folders etc but a reinstall just gives the same results.

If I go to Mplab in the Admin account it works fine; also creating a new standard user, Mplab is in there automatically and it works fine.

Anyone have an idea of how to get it working again in my standard user account ?

( I did have Mplab X etc in this account as well, but have since uninstalled it all.)


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When you install MPLABX it also installs a driver switching program, this allows you to switch the drivers between MPLABX and MPLAB.

Presumably the drivers are still switched for use with MPLABX?, thus preventing MPLAB working.

You might try reinstalling MPLABX, and then use the driver switching program to select MPLAB.
Thanks Nigel, but have just tried it with no effect.

I only ever had it set up with a Pk2 and Pk3 which according to this Microchip page, they use the same common driver for both version; its just the higher end devices that need their drivers changing.

I previously have uninstalled Mplab IDE and X all together and removed as many Mplab references in the Users folders before reinstalling just Mplab IDE v 8.92

Wonder if there is some old registry value thats not removed when its uninstalled; though no idea what or where to look for that.

I could just create a new Standard user Account, but that would take hours to add in all the extra software and set things up again.
You should see the short cut that is normally installed with MPLBX called 'MPLAB driver switcher' that Nigel is referring to.
Could you say what windows you are running If it's windows 7 there's hiding files under the user that set settings.
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Have you installed it as an administrator? You can try to log in as a user which intends to use it, then install it.
Could you say what windows you are running If it's windows 7 there's hiding files under the user that set settings.

Sorry, should have said, its W 8.1 and been using it with V8.92 for the last couple of years without any problems.

I recently upgraded to W10 and then V8.92 worked ok, so thought problem sorted, but W10 proved problematic with random freezing etc, seems a common problem, so restored my backup image back to w8.1 .

Have you installed it as an administrator? You can try to log in as a user which intends to use it, then install it.

No, I just installed it in a standard users account.

Had uninstalled Mplab v8.92 and X from all accounts, then reinstalled just V8.92 in the Admin account.
It works fine in the Admin account and the new standard user account, but go to my normal standard user account and it still gives those errors.

Have just uninstalled it all again and this time installed it 'as Admin' from my main standard account but it still gives the error ...?
Like I said under the user account there are hiding setting for Mplab
You have to remove those and start over I've had problems with window driver signning sounds like you are too. I ended up turning driver signing off.
Like I said under the user account there are hiding setting for Mplab
You have to remove those and start over I've had problems with window driver signning sounds like you are too. I ended up turning driver signing off.

Afraid I do not know of those files or their exact location - can you give me a bit more than a clue please .

( I had previously done a search for any remaining mplab or microchip folders and files and deleted them before reloading Mplab , but no effect)

If I can load mplab into the Admin account and another user account without a problem, could the driver signing problem only affect just my main standard user account ? - either way, will give it a try and boot up without driver signing - how to geeks give a good guide.

The problem I ran into was drivers but it was after a update. So I turned it off.
But if you go to C users and click on the user your having problems with then at the top click view and show hidden
Then look for app data you should find a Mplab file with user setting that's more then liking your problem
Here some pictures to help you find it
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Yes , thanks, but had already removed those files and any other Microchip / Mplab remnants I could find on C drive.

Just tried it all again, but this time from the Admin Account, first clearing out those entries from my Standard Account in the Users folder.
After reinstalling it works fine in the Admin account, but still fails in the standard account.

Will try the same again tomorrow, but this time booting with the Driver signing switch off as you suggest.
Might try deleting all the files from both the Admin and User accounts in case the Admin account files hold some users details as well ??

Not something I have ever used but any idea if any of these free uninstaller program like Revo do anything more that what I have been doing so far ?
Had chance to try the Advance boot option and disable the driver signing, but afraid it made no difference, still the same start up error.

Also tried using Revo Pro free trial program to delete all left over files etc but again no effect; even tried downloading V8.91 but it gave the same problem in my standard account, though does work in a different standard account.

Think its going to be simpler just to move my other programs over to the other user account.

Thanks for the suggestions though..
Just out of curiosity, why do you use all these diverse accounts? I live happily with only one account on most of my computers.
Just out of curiosity, why do you use all these diverse accounts? I live happily with only one account on most of my computers.

I don't, normally just use the one standard User account, no Admin privileges.
Just created another User account see if Mplab would run in there ok, which it does.

It's said, correctly or not ? that you should use such a standard user account , not the Admin account , as its safer that way , yes ?
It's said, correctly or not ? that you should use such a standard user account , not the Admin account , as its safer that way , yes ?

Safety is in the eyes of the beholder.

I don't think using Admin account is somehow less safe than using non-Admin account.
Safety is in the eyes of the beholder.

I don't think using Admin account is somehow less safe than using non-Admin account.

There are so many differing views on the web it can be hard to know what valid; you can drive yourself mad looking at all the opinions.

Regarding Windows, then its fair to assume that Microsoft know something about it - here is just one quote from their info pages.

There are potential security considerations for users who use an administrative account for daily computer use. The primary issue is that unwanted software can make changes to the operating system or to data without the user’s permission. This is because all programs run, by default, using the security permissions of the user who launched them. A related issue is that such users have the ability to perform actions that could lead to operating system instability or corruption. For example, a novice user who is running as an Administrator might accidentally delete critical operating system files or programs, thinking that they are not needed. These are all reasons why Microsoft designed the UAC feature as a major component of Windows .

Therefore, it is recommended that most users log on to their computers using a standard user account. One potential problem with this approach is that applications often expect to have full permissions on the system. You’ll learn about ways in which this situation can be addressed in Lesson 2.
The days when Admin could do anything on the computer are gone. Now you get UAC warnings if you try, and permissions are screwed in such a way that it'll be real hard for you do delete or alter anything vital to the system even if you would want to.

I wouldn't trust Microsoft much. They turned their Windows 10 into one big malware, which spies on you, installs unwanted software and much worse. It is striking that people are completely Ok with this (compare to the storms of lawsuits in the 90-s when Microsoft made Internet Explorer a part of Windows), so I think next Windows versions will be even worse. Thus, I'm with Windows 7 until it lasts, and I'm eying a good Linux distribution for my next main computer.
Thus, I'm with Windows 7 until it lasts, and I'm eying a good Linux distribution for my next main computer.

I tried Mint last year and taken as a basic system its seems good; however start adding anything extra and you need to take lessons in Sudo, unless you are a very quick learner.

Also found that the security aspect of linux was so confusing, so many linux 'experts' saying you need to use av and others saying no.

The more I looked in it, I found something most Linux users do not shout about, and thats that they do no use Linux all the time, but often revert to windows for things they cannot do/easily under Linux.

As someone being on a technical forum like ET, then think you will soon find many of the technical program you may use are not suitable for linux or have severe limitations.

Think after all they years Linux has been around for the home user, its still only got about 2% of the market share so its unlikely many program makers will go out of their way to produce linux compatible products in the near future..
Think after all they years Linux has been around for the home user, its still only got about 2% of the market share so its unlikely many program makers will go out of their way to produce linux compatible products in the near future..

I prefer Windows, but Windows 10 is f* up beyond usability for me, so after my Windows 7 stops working, there will be not much choice. I'm pretty sure I will be able do on Linux (or Mac for that matter) everything I need. I still have ties to Windows, but I'm working on severing these ties. I should be Ok 2-3 years from now.

2% is rather misleading. If you remove 90% of users who only do videos and emails and will migrate to tablets anyway, Linux share will look much better. After all, Microchip abandoned Windows-only MPLAB 8, and MPLAB X works on Linux just fine.

Good thing about Linux is that if you don't like something, you can get the sources and fix it.
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