MPLAB problem

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New Member
I am running into a problem using MPLab IDE, although I suspect the hardware(an ICD2 PIC programmer) may be at fault. When I first got this programmer I tried to program 16f628a's but I ran into this error:
Warning 0020: invalid target id(expected=(some hex num) read = 0xFF)

When I switched to using 16f685's I was able to use programmer appropriately. That was until a few days ago, when I started getting the same error with the 16f685's, and for that matter, any other chip I tried. Apparently, this error normally occurs when power is not supplied correctly to the chip, but in that case the hex number read would be "read= 0x00". The power levels to my PIC are appropriate(I checked). Therefore I suspect that something must be wrong with the programmer. Although, I want to make sure that MPLab is not in error before I send the programmer back to the manufacturer. Any advice would be appreciated.
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