mplab problem

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New Member
why is it that when i install mplab v 5.6 on my laptop, i get the blue screen when i restart it? its really problematic cuz blue screen is blue screen
Good quality working crystal balls are in short supply.

Why are you using MPLAB 5 when the current version is 8 ?

Past that you question is not clear. Do you get a blue screen when you start MPLAB or when you restart the laptop.

Regardless download the current version of MPLAB and try it again. If you still have a problem post again and be very specific. Advoid: it them and thingy ? What OS is on the laptop.
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our teacher just graduated and he knows the old version only.. sad.. after i install mplab, i restart my laptop because its procedural.. thats when i get the blue screen.. my os is vista.. is it compatible?
Almost certainly not - and your teacher has no excuse for trying to use an antique version of MPLAB.
crys said:
our teacher just graduated and he knows the old version only.. sad.. after i install mplab, i restart my laptop because its procedural.. thats when i get the blue screen.. my os is vista.. is it compatible?

I agree with Nigel. The reacher is WRONG to be teaching with such an old version, esp since the software is free.

I would go so far as to say he is not doing his job.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Almost certainly not - and your teacher has no excuse for trying to use an antique version of MPLAB.

yuh, i know.. thats also why im confused cuz hes not so experienced. and when i ask him a question, he's like, werent you listening to me? well, i listend, i just want explanations! thats because im dumb too.. thanx!

3v0 said:
Download and install the latest version of MPLAB. If it works then the old version is not compatiable with VISTA.

i will.. i just cant right now.. our internets speed is super slow[excuses, excuses]. hehe.. i'll also ask for the program in the laboratory f they have, i hope.. thanx!
and i also want to defend him cuz i sound mean.. actually, our teacher was pressured to work as a teacher after he passed the board exam. our department lost 5 teachers [very very good instructors] so they were desperate. our teacher just started teaching himself the new version so we got to stick the old version still.. unlucky us...
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