MPLAB simulation

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Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how to switch off the record of the simulation (I don't know the correct title) that is kept when MPLAB is simulating a programme?

I have looked through the various options and the help to no avail.

I was simulating a programme with several loops and many transitions through those loops. After about 20 minutes, the auto simulation stopped and I could only step by hand using F7.

After closing MPLAB, I attempted to use another application and received a message stating the computer memory is low. So I assume MPLAB had consumed most of the RAM and it was not recovered when I closed MPLAB. My operating system is W98.

I think you are refering to the Profile feature. I don't think you can turn it off. However, pausing the simulation and resetting the profile (Debugger->Profile->Reset Profile) from time to time would surely help. Being able to completely turn it off would be a nice feature. Might be worth it to post this on Microchip's MPLAB Sim forum.

Like you suspected, what happens is MPLAB is contantly allocating memory during simulation. More often than not, big programs like MPLAB will eventually "leak" memory, that is, lose track of what was allocated and fail to free it to the operating system, even after being closed. The only way to gain that memory back is to reboot Windows. This is somewhat less problematic on Windows NT/2000/XP, which is a bit better at garbage collection than Win 95/98/ME. But the MPLAB developers are more at fault than Windows' in that particular case...
Joel Rainville said:
I think you are refering to the Profile feature. I don't think you can turn it off. However, pausing the simulation and resetting the profile (Debugger->Profile->Reset Profile) from time to time would surely help

I looked at the Debug menu, but there is no Profile option. Nor can I find "profile" in the help.

My version of MPLAB IDE is 5.70.00
ljcox said:
My version of MPLAB IDE is 5.70.00

Unless you have a good reason not to do so, you should head over to the Microchip website and update your MPLAB installation.

You're *2* major software revisions behind... Chances are, the memory leaks have been fixed by now (and new ones added, but let's keep that for another thread :lol

When talking about MPLAB, I tend to assume, since it is freely available, that everyone is at least using the latest major revision, that is, 7 at the time of this writing.

Unless I am missing something? Why are you still using 5.70?
Thanks for the response. Im afraid that laziness is the reason. I have not looked at the Microchip site to check for a later software. I'll do so today.

It would be interesting to know if you have the same problems with the latest version... Keep us posted
Joel Rainville said:
It would be interesting to know if you have the same problems with the latest version... Keep us posted
Yes I will, but it may be a few days - computer needs repair.

does anyone know if i can download the MPLAB simulator ONLY?
i have MPASM but since i am using from an expensive and low speed connection so i can not to download the full version of MPLAB so....

It looks like you can. From Microchip's website :

hi Joel

i tried to get the component version but there was a problem with it i couldnt understand...

it would be very good if someone could give me a direct link to the simulation.

the problem was that the installation program gave me an error while i tried to install it(i can not remember the error really)

ohh sorry, my mean was a link for installing the simulator(only simulator) :lol:

P.s Joel, do you know i have sent you an PM and an Email to your MSN Address?
epilot said:
the problem was that the installation program gave me an error while i tried to install it(i can not remember the error really)

How about trying it again? :? Error messages are useful pieces of information most of the time, you know Take the time to write it down, or take a screenshot...

epilot said:
ohh sorry, my mean was a link for installing the simulator(only simulator) :lol:

That's exactly what the component installation enables, although a basic set of dependencies need to be installed along with the simulator, which cannot really run on its own. You're in for a download of a few MB, but still much less than the full 30+ MB installation.
BTW, about the PMs and emails : I do not respond to messages asking for help privately for one simple reason.

I don't know it all, especially when it comes to microcontrollers and general electronics, so I prefer all advice I give to be publicly displayed on this or any other forum, so that it can be corrected by other members if necessary, or even better, further explained and detailed by more knowledgeable members. Forum posts are also much more useful to others than private messages Let's share the knowledge
i want to try it again but i fear with this part of your words:
"a basic set of dependencies need to be installed along with the simulator, which cannot really run on its own. "
epilot said:
i want to try it again but i fear with this part of your words:
"a basic set of dependencies need to be installed along with the simulator, which cannot really run on its own. "

From what I can tell, you'll need a basic MPLAB IDE installation along with the Simulator. Just try it, the installation program will tell you exactly what needs to be downloaded. You'll be able to abort the process if you realize the download is too time/bandwidth consuming...
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