MPLAB X heads up


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Microchip MPLAB® X IDE v6.25 ( Currently 6.20) Will Discontinue Support for 3rd gen tools (Pickit3 / ICD3)
They can discontinue support for what ever they like, there's more than one way to skin a cat

Textpad and third party programming software for these things works fine
I still use v5.25 for the MPASM support. A lot of bad decisions here on Microchip makes you wonder who is really driving the boat.
Same here... I use the IDE built into Proteus, and have for years.. I just use the IPE for chip programming, even that's on its way out as I have one of those TL866 II and it does all the chips I need.

Never really got to grips with MPLABX just didn't feel right..
It seems obvious that Microchip has way too many small users demanding support resources that their large quantity customers want exclusive access to.

The best way to sort out the riffraff is to make old tools useless and charge a lot more for the new stuff.
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