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New Member
i just got mplab on my pc at home.when u create a new proj in mplab...there r some files u do u get those files?do they come by default with mplab or do u have to download them?please help.stuck with it.
i just got mplab on my pc at home.when u create a new proj in mplab...there r some files u do u get those files?do they come by default with mplab or do u have to download them?please help.stuck with it.

MPLAB comes with all the files.
Try using the 'Project Wizard'.


  • esp03 Apr. 28.gif
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header file

im using a 16f873 pic.i have written a code in.c when i assemble it,it gives an error saying it cant find the header file.what do i do?
also when i build it,error says that there is no source file.but when i try to add a source file(the code that i have written right?) it goes under other really frustrated.please help.
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Which version of MPLAB are you using.????
You need to install a C compiler - I suggest boostC. I also think you need to download the latest version of MPLAB as well.

i have integrated mplab and boostc for pic the source code is not getting built.and it gives no just says build failed.
whats wrong?

i think something is missing but i dont know what.i have added lib file and source code.thats it.nothing else in the project section.

i have worked on certain version of sending the link below.this version i can work on and i know to debug.if anybody knows how i can get this version of mplab i would be grateful.

Using MPLab

if not please help me solve the building prob.
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