MPlab8 remove page breaks in list file

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Active Member
I suspect the answer is no, but I thought I would ask anyway - in MPlab 8, does anybody know if it is possible to stop page breaks being generated in the list file when the file is generated?

Most annoying trying to read through the list file with all the gaps it generates.
asm or C?

If you're using mpasm, then adding this directive to the .asm file will turn off paging.
list n=0
There'll only be a second page where the symbol table starts.
asm or C?

Thankyou, I did see that in the help file yesterday and tried various combinations of numbers to little effect - didn't even think to use n=0

Just a tip for anybody else that see's this (I use Quickbuild mode in MPlab8) - list n=0 takes effect from where you place it in the asm file, so in my case, putting it as the very first thing, ie line 1, means no page breaks until the symbol table as tumbleweed says.
... and tried various combinations of numbers to little effect - didn't even think to use n=0

I just sort of stumbled across it. I noticed that when I set n>255, strange things happened, and paging disappeared with n=256. Tried 0 and got the same, so it looks like they're keeping pagelength in a byte.
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