msp430 and mspgcc individual bit access

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New Member
I have a simple question about mspgcc if anyone used it.
Most of the PIC compiler allow me to access individual bit of a port, for example:
 PORTA.F1 = 1;
 PORTA.F1 = 0;
 output_high(PORTA, 1);
 output_low(PORTA, 1);

in CSC I can even make struct and do things like:
lcd.enable = 1;

With mspgcc I had no luck finding the similar way of dealing with it. The way I do it now is:
// definition of BIT# macro's
#include <msp430/common.h>
  // set P1OUT.F0 to 0
  P1OUT &= ~BIT0;

  // set P1OUT.F0 to 1
  P1OUT |= BIT0;

But I kinda hope there is "faster" way of doing so
The structures are defined in msp430/iostructures.h

#include <io.h>
#include <msp430/iostructures.h>        // must be inlcuded after io.h!

  port1.dir.pin0 = IO_DIRPIN_OUTPUT;
  port1.out.pin0 = 1;
  port1.out.pin0 = 0;
  port1.out.pin0 ^= 1;
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