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Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed his conspicuous (to me) absence? His last post was apparently on May 20. On vacation, maybe?
Hiya Ron,
A few weeks ago Msteaka wrote a thread in the feedback forum saying he was quitting the forum for good and that thread got a bit dis-tastefull so it was locked. That's why you haven't seen him around.

Cheers Bryan
bryan1 said:
Hiya Ron,
A few weeks ago Msteaka wrote a thread in the feedback forum saying he was quitting the forum for good and that thread got a bit dis-tastefull so it was locked. That's why you haven't seen him around.

Cheers Bryan
I must've been on vacation. Can't say I'm surprised.
2camjohn said:
Well I thought he was entertaining.

Well he's not banned or anything, he took offence when I moved his '500th' identical question to the trash bin and asked him to use one of his many existing threads rather than start yet another identical one! - or perhaps try reading the answers he had already received!.
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