Multi Controller Communication question

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3v0 said:
Is this fresh or salt?

Even without automation two of everything on 2 separate circuits is a good idea. That is the place to start.

This is a good idea but depends on the room, most split the overhead lights and outlets, if the room is being built then the option exists. I know that I would like to do that also for my tanks, and computers but since the whole place was finished I doubt I can pull it off.

I agree , but most of the better heaters ( I have jagers ) have a good temp control built in. They usually say to stagger 2 heaters, one at the temp you want and one a couple of degrees lower in case of an ' off ' failure. If the heater fails ' on ' is where the uC monitoring would come to play and be used for ' overtemp ' and maybe sense which heater is on at the time and disable it. As always there is more monitoring to do than controlling, as was said before it can get very complex real fast if you consider all the factors, still it's nice to caht about and toss out ideas.

Size the filtration so that either one can handle the entire load. In normal operation each will have about half the bacteria needed. If one fails the other will rapidly grow enough bacteria to handle the additional load.

A wet/dry and 2 pumps may cut down on cost, a spare pump is cheaper than a spare filter unless you already have one.

Never thought of that.

A battery operated air pump to keep the water moving when power fails is a good idea. Next best thing to using battery backup on the filters.

All of this will help keep the aquarium alive with or witout monitoring.

He should be making a list, picking priority, equipment list ( have & need )

Everything need to be on a GFI

I agree, but most of the pumps, filters, lights, etc are all 2 wire polarized, the GFI's measure leakage current thru the ground leg to trip, correct??

I mentioned the 'CAN' modules because they can be configured to only report when you are outside the set parameters, cutting down on extra talking / overhead on the network. We have machines that use ' interbus ' , kinda cool concept but an overkill for this.

EDIT: Since then inexpensive uC's with larger memories and more speed have shown up. Size is less of an issue. At this point I would look at what tools (network monitor etc) and maybe a good support group.

I think the monitoring part should be first ( after redundant equipment ), and leave spare I/O for the control part.

Microchip now has a 1 chip ethernet solution. Maybe a subnet just for the control system.

If it was all ethernet you could control/monitor it thru a web interface and add something to alert you. Oh the options.
binzer said:
I think the monitoring part should be first ( after redundant equipment ), and leave spare I/O for the control part.

If it was all ethernet you could control/monitor it thru a web interface and add something to alert you. Oh the options.

I know...they are truly endless huh... and I do agree with you on the monitoring part first too...
My comments are indented in quoted text.

Redundancy is the first step to a good system. (That and automatic water changing)

After that it is up to you I do not see much distinction between monitoring and IO/control. To me they are parts of the same system.

This is an extreme example. lets say you fish will get sick or die if they go below 65 for some period of time. It is winter and your thermostat is setback to 60 while you are at work. When your heater fails your system sends a message over the network and tells the furnace to up the setting. Same thing if you have a wicked wind from the wrong direction and the heaters can not keep up.

No end in sight...

Thats true...but here in New Mexico we dont get that cold...or really that hot either...and I hope to be putting this system on a 300+ gallon tank so to do that kind of temp change would take many hours... I do plan on dual 20Amp GFCI circuits, as for dual pumps...well I hope to have that as well. As for heating elements that is always a given to have redunancy there. For the amount of water, there will probably be close to 1000watts of heater, and also many pumps as well...both for the closed loop systems that just move water inside the tank, and then the filter pumps, and then there will be other pumps for the Protien skimmers as well...

Thx for all the input...boy I have a lot of planning now...

What type of heater are you using now, 300 gal is a big tank?
binzer said:
What type of heater are you using now, 300 gal is a big tank?

I dont have the tank yet... but I will be using in line heating I think, I have found some that are titanium 500W units.
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