Multi room Audio - Ideas...

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New Member
HI All

I working on a project making a low cost Multi room audio system. I could really use some good ideas.

Project is outlined as follows.

1 central unit:

This unit is the mixer, and responsible for source selection and volume. This unit should be connected directly to passive amp or active speakers. Here should also the main processor be located.

4 zone units:

These are control panels in each of the rooms used. I was planning to use a commercially available keypad (8 buttons + 3 Led). It is necessary that the panels should be connected to the central unit using Cat 5e-6, and run a distance of minimum 30m.

The project is not that difficult to build, the only thing giving me some headache is the communication between zones and central. Running simple parallel is not possible as there is not enough wires in a single cat 5e. I also have to overcome distance problems.

Has anyone looked at similar applications?

Best regards

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