Multichannel relay needed

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New Member
I need a circuit that when a momentary button is pushed, it momentarily activates a relay, then the circuit stops. When the buttong is closed again, it activates the second relay and so on. I need one that's 4 channels, and possibly one that's 6 or 8 channels. Would anyone be availabe for hire to make this, or know where I can get a board that already does it? if so, please e-mail me at
This circuit should do what you want. The relay is energized as long as the push button is held down. The parts are available from Mouser ( Post here if you have questions. OK, now it works.


    79.5 KB · Views: 467
WHat do you mean by then the circuit stops?... Are you wanting the relay to stop, X time after the switch was pressed?..... What voltage are you dealing wiht and what load are the relays going to have?

It can be done easily do this with a microcontroller, and have practically few parts (therefore a smaller board) or you could do it with more parts and no programming.

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