Multimeter Requirements

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A meter will display a number, but what that number means depends on how the meter is interpreting what it sees.
A scope is best; that way you do the interpreting.
Thanks for the heads up and information... I think I will buy a cheap unit and will be looking at your suggestions...

I have a quick question, how do you know or test if your MM is accurate?


Hi, I haven't seen any mention of how you do this so I am bumping this... Sorry if this is a silly newbie question and I suppose I'll figure it someday, but hoping to find out how you do this now...

Hi, I haven't seen any mention of how you do this so I am bumping this... Sorry if this is a silly newbie question and I suppose I'll figure it someday, but hoping to find out how you do this now...


For general purpose work if you need to check the DMM.
You can get low voltage reference [2.50V are common] also 0.1% tolerance resistors.
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