Multiple Audio IN

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Active Member
How can I connect both 3.5mm audio out (mobile phone out) & the echo out to a PRE Amp IN?
*Note that echo circuit out is a mono..!



  • Echo_IN.JPG
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The problem is the 3.5mm out comes from smartphones or laptop or MP3 player out. Its an external line IN. So Do I need an opamp?
The problem is the 3.5mm out comes from smartphones or laptop or MP3 player out. Its an external line IN. So Do I need an opamp?

I don't see what your problem is? - of course outputs go to inputs - if you want an active mixer then use an opamp, but from headphone outputs you might have enough signal to use a passive one.

Have a look here:

An active 'virtual earth' mixer is always better, but you could try the passive one with just pots and resistors
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