Multiple PWMs, how?

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New Member
I've seen various projects that have programmed a PIC to have multiple independent(maybe?) PWM outputs, even thought the chips only have one in hardware (did I see one with none?).

Does anyone know how this is done?
Erch... I dunno... At least 3 for an RGB idea I have (moodlight-thing), but the more the merrier.

BTW, that was hella-fast!
Yarh, but how? Does it have nothing to do with the hardware PWM then? And doesn't it tie up all the processing time?
AAAHH!! I find it, I find it! No worry.

There is a technical document from Microchip themselves. AN1074 - Software PWM Generation for LED Dimming and RGB Color Applications.
If you want several hardware PWM's look at one of my favorites the 18F1330. It also has a PLL that works with the internal 8MHz clock that bumps it up to 32MHz.
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