Multiplexed 7 segment interfaced with keypad.

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Good day everyone. Does anyone have any idea on how to make an interfaced matrix keypad to display the pressed digits on a 4 multiplexed 7 segment just like in LCD. Using mikroc compiler.
I bet everyone here has done it.... There is a bit of data missing from your post...

I am yet to do it. Started pic recently. The microcontroller is pic. Language is c. Compiler is mikroc pro. Ian thank u.
I use XC8 compiler.. There are some that use mikroC on here so you should be okay.
The reason I don't use mikroC is that it doesn't teach you how to use the microchip hardware... All the libraries are all made making it all too easy..

I prefer to write my own low level stuff so I can understand it better. When people post mikroC code, I have to convert it to XC8 to check it... This is time consuming... BUT!!! I don't mind so where do you want to start?
Take a look at my tutorials.. ( link in my signature ) There is a two digit seven segment code and a keypad code..
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