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If I wanted to drive 3, 7-segment displays and have 3 inputs connected to an AVR using the least amount of pins, would a multiplexer help me do that? Or would I use a multiplexer?
To drive 3 seven segment displays only requires 10 pins. A multiplexer wouldn't help. A BCD to seven segment decoder would reduce it to 7 pins.

If you were driving 8 seven segment displays then you might use a 3 to 8 demultiplexer (eg 74138) to drive each display.

Maybe you are confusing things. The AVR would in fact be multiplexing the display and so would, in effect, be a multiplexer.

Thanks Pommie.

Slightly off-topic. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a Shift Register is alot like a multiplexer(actually prob more like a demultiplexer) but it uses serial to communicate correct?
Multiplexers, Shift registers and Decoders are all different kind of devices. All solutions discussed here so far are Decoders.

I used serial to 8bit parallel shift registers in a big 7-segment clock project recently. Shift registers allow you to easily add more segments to the construction when needed. I had an AVR to drive the display.
I too am a fan of serial-to-parallel latch or driver ICs.

Regards, Mike


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