My Absence.

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Hi All,

I'm sorry I've been away from the forums lately. Unfortunately due to things being extremely hectic at home I haven't been able to get onto Electro Tech. Nothing to worry about thought, it's all positive things that kept me away, like being the best man at my brothers wedding, buying a family home, setting up my partners business venture, working a full time job, and looking after my 9 month old boy..

Things are starting to get back to normal so I'll be showing up more from here on in. However, I did just want to say that the moderators have done a great job while I've been away which is great to see, congrats moderators. I'm also going to get the winner announced for the Raspberry PI competition before Christmas so hang in there guys, you're hard work will be rewarded! Also, I'll try and get the Christmas decorations up to make this place look festive

Thanks for all who messaged me.

I was a tad worried... But noticed you popped in once or twice ( Activity report ).

It appears you are like me.... No time for oneself!!!

Great to see you again EM! So glad to hear you are okay. I can understand the part about everything being hectic. I've had little free time myself

Thanks for checking in!

Best wishes,
Hi EM,

Glad you made it back. I see Mr "E" got a little Santa hat too Nice.
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