Looking at your other posts, you are unfortunately on a dead-end approach, that can never be more than an animatronic type figure.
My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project - #3 - "/diy/ - Do It Yourself" is 4chan's imageboard for DIY/do it yourself projects, home improvement, and makers.
That type of setup has also been done already - Inmoov
This was it's state ten years ago! He's now looking at realistic skin.
You are working on a common misconception is that human / animal joints can be emulated with small but highly geared motors.
That simply does not work in reality, as biological joints operated by muscles are force-based, not position-based.
The position control is by feedback through your nervous system.
Every joint in a human/animal body can be back-driven by force applied against it, and that capability is essential for lifelike movements and manipulation capability.
Functional joints use torque motors - high power with very low gear ratio that can be back-driven with near zero resistance when not being driven, plus (or torque - current - feedback as well as position feedback.