My Blog

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Anyone have any objections if I start a blog on here? I fancy having a go at blogging about the stuff I get upto in the lab , or do the Bloggs have to be more professional than the blaberings of a kid?
I say go for it, your smarter than most of the visitors here, but I am not one of the powers that be.
There is a"blogs" section for that.. But if you want to start one here, I don't think anyone would mind.
I was going to do it in the blogs bit, its sort of a rambling thing for my tutorial, I am still working on that, I gave up for a while but I am back on track . I really like the 30f parts, in some ways easier than the 18f.
I am also going to have a look at 16f, I have never played with them, but looking at some datasheets some of them have some really cool bits on them

You might have a look at the 16F1827 which is the device I've moved to, it's an enhanced 14 bit core and has some really cool features - plus it's dirt cheap
You might have a look at the 16F1827 which is the device I've moved to, it's an enhanced 14 bit core and has some really cool features - plus it's dirt cheap
Yep! I have a product out that uses a pic16f1825 on one side and a pic16f1829 on the other... More peripherals than you can eat!
The only problem so far was getting four pwm channels and two serial channels. But it's all good.
I really like the 30f parts, in some ways easier than the 18f.

3of are totally different beasts compared to 18f, way more powerful, and, of course, way more expensive. 30f is sort of old. You may want to look at 33f/33e.

They also have 32-bit PICs, but IMHO, they're way too much for MCU.
In some funny way, 33f/33e PICs are 24-bit, not 33-bit (not even 32-bit) as one would think. I believe Microchip is very bad at naming their chips
They are strange beasts indeed!! I am going to order a couple of samples, I will pick dip to start with. Which compiler is best with them? (please dont say XC8 lol).
Only started looking at a couple of datasheets but, some of these look really picky!! special caps here and there etc etc, some really nice features but they seem very fussy. I will get a couple of samples but, tobe honest I think I would go for32 bit ARM if I needed the power and features these chips have, ok ARM isnt as cheap, but you get more for less agro
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