My circuit doesn't work, where is it wrong?

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**broken link removed**

Do the scarab beetles have to be alive?
I see the problem, the electric eel is the wrong species, the Chinese eel's have not the required stamina, it needs to be an Amazonian bred type.

Lets know how it goes.

PS: dont forget to wear rubber gloves when handling the eel, ESD can damage your health...

I have checked with Maplins, they are currently out of stock.


  • Mermaid w_Eel.JPG
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Thank You for submitting the "circuit diagram". Makes things easier for us to help.

The only problem I can see is that your transistor has two Emitters. Rather use a transistor with one. Like a BC327 or BC237. Problem is you have decide which way you want the little Electrons to flow. Negative one's like a BC327. Positive one's like a BC237.

Big decision for you. Otherwise your design is amazing and worthy of being copied off the Internet. I would never have shared this precious and innovate design of yours with anyone.

You are one brave person and a genius to boot.

Hope I helped a little. And the best of luck. Holding thumbs here.....
Got any more pictures of the girl in the pond but without the big black fish thing?

They may help bring more attention to this circuit problem.

Oh yes any should be able to substitute the beaker of holy water with one of toilet water. Just make sure you bless it first.
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I will submit an attachment soonest. No fish. No pond. No eel. No water.

Just pure joy. Oh boy.

BTW: She lost her contact lens in the sand and was trying to find it. Wish I was there to help.

Hope this helps with the original circuit design and all??
Doing the best I can here.


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Huh. I thought I saw real schematic at first, but double-taked at the batman symbol.. Good one!!
LOL. This is funny after a busy day at the Office.

Have fun Guys. Life is too short to stress. A laugh goes a long way to help a peaceful sleep. I am 47 and counting.
The balloon near the scarab beetles CANNOT be left floating else it may come into contact with the solder blob when the warm front increases which will certainly happen if the moral rectifier blows. No offence Amando96 but I think you need to go back & repeat psycho-circuitary 101

hi tv,
The guy in your pic looks totally flaked out, I wonder was has caused that.?

Trouble with all that sand about is can you can easily get Legionaries disease
hi tv,
The guy in your pic looks totally flaked out, I wonder was has caused that.?

Trouble with all that sand about is can you can easily get Legionaries disease

LOL. Good chirp Eric.
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There is a conflict between the two power sources.
The 240V and 50V power supplies are conjoined twins. You need more than a miracle to get this project to work - it's already off the ground.
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