My dog...

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Did you see that lab on ripleys or guiness, mmmm... is that right, that learned how to form words in the bark process. Damn, that dog can actually talk.

They reckon out of recent tests that dogs are even more intelligent than primates, primates have the edge in that they have hands.

Kv, what type is your dog, also labbie, I feel a bit slow tonight.
Unfortunately Pit Bull or Staffordshire Terrier.

Pit Bull By the AKA. But some refer to her as a Staffordshire Terrier the AKA will only recognize her as an American Pit Bull.

She is Tan and White with distinct marking between them well cut fully papered. She looks like the RCA Dogs for other people in America who might know what I'm talking about. To look at her if you didn't know much about the breed you would never know she was a Pit.

The only time you know is when she smiles.

She's a Land Shark they have a real teethe grin.

Thanks for asking. kv
I just herd they were going to outlaw Pits in my area. If they do I will have to put my little girl down.

I refuse to let her be adopted by some bastards that will breed her or fight her.

I am just guessing here, but I would think a Pit ban would probably be on breeding pits, not existing ones. The law cannot really expect thousands of dog owners to put their dogs down. The courts would be overran with enraged pit bull owners.
Thank you !

I am just guessing here, but I would think a Pit ban would probably be on breeding pits, not existing ones. The law cannot really expect thousands of dog owners to put their dogs down. The courts would be overran with enraged pit bull owners.

I live in a Mormon Dominated Community. Not that it is the Mormons causing me problems.

They can communicate through the church organizations effectively as a group all of them have a directory of one another this creates a real fear factor.

It goes kinda like this when Sally telephones Sue and Betty puts them in a three way and....

This will skew the light of any subject and it soon becomes fact of opposition and there is no way of challenging it in their minds as a group.

In addition to that they have a lot of time on their hands. They seem to focus on things and are more like Pit Bulls the way they handle things of this nature.

Plus they are active in community to related issues mainly the ones that have lasting effect and this is very good.

So thank you that helps a lot. I will begin to take some time to gather more info on the ban.

This is funny. They seem to adopt things from California easily.

So she may still have a chance.

I do agree that different breeds have different temperaments, but in the ends, it's still the way the owner trains his dog. Any dog, or animal will bite, and can be made vicious. They can all be gentle and well behaved, depends on your methods and patience. Pitbulls freak me out a little, but have never run across a mean one yet. Really haven't seen the murderous behavior that gives them such a bad rep. Maybe the should give the owners an opportunity to show what their dog can do.
Since my little friend passed about two years ago, I have now found myself wanting another little buddy. I went to our local shelter in search of new dog. What amazed me while I was at the shelter was that I would have to say about 80% of the dogs in the shelter were pit bulls. I dunno why.
True people fear what they don't understand.

Before allowing the dog into my home I did a lot of research on the breed and this is some of what I learned.

Pit Bulls can become aggressive much easier and always toward an unknown dog. The ones to watch out for are the ones that are afraid of you. These are the Pit Bulls that nip a single puncher to the leg rarely more than that.

But if you have one that is (Game worthy) this is the dog that (In the breeding and fighting business) is fearful of nothing. The funny thing is they fight the dog to find out if it is Game Worthy. However it's dumb nobody wants to do see their dog torn up just to find out what it's temperament.

If this dog decides to attack they are like Rot willer just smaller and the wounds will be much worse than a puncher.

These are the dogs to be careful of but also attack less out of the two.

These (Game Worthy) dogs are what you need if your being attacked by someone who wants to kill you. (Police Officers or Military) Problem is they don't take well to other handlers and the training requirements are to long of a period 2- 4 yrs. The German Shepard is the easiest 6 months tops.

They will fight and die for you. And so it goes back to training to do what.

Then you have the guy's out there who will exploit the behavior. The dogs not Game Worthy were killed nowadays they keep them on a leash and starve them to death or worse they become fresh meat for bigger dogs. This guys dogs usually are the ones running loose to attack people.
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I think you need to make a speech detector circuit to open the garbage can.
Then hope that your dog doesn't learn how to talk.

My dogs were learning how to fly when they were puppies. They almost made it but they crashed too many times and gave up.

My dog has finally stopped barking at my indoors helicopter.
This is Camel, my last dog, Rottweiler mix. The orange cat was one of my neighbor's. I could get him to show his teeth like that on command. After he was about 2 1/2, I seldom used a leash, walked him twice a day, rain or shine. People still ask about him, more then 3 years after I buried him.
Me, my niece, and Camel.


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How did you get him to show his teeth on command? Good trick.

He was very protective of his food. I could take anything away from him, even reach in his mouth if he picked up something on a walk. He'd complain, put on a good show. I just start saying 'let me see your teeth', and reach for his food. It just started to work anytime, any place, no food needed.
My lab use to get into the garbage...but then we put it in the cabinet and she never bugged again. Now she sleeps under the kitchen table at every meal (after she eats) and never bugs for food or anything. The only thing she will ever bug for is green beans. She loves them and if she smells them she bugs a little..haha
My dog won't even bark..haha

The only time anyone will ever hear her bark is at cats and only if they are too close to the house.

I can take her food away without any problems..but if my sister would she would growl at her in a sec.
By Harvery:
This is Camel, my last dog, Rottweiler mix. Beautiful dog.

WE also used to have a Rotty mix, Buddy. He had Rotty, pirenese mountain dog, chow-chow and bull mastif blood, purple tong the lot.
Predominatly brown, like your camel.
He was big, heavy and could be rather scary at times. People in the area had huge respect for this dog.
If he stood on his hind legs, he would look most of my friends in the eye, just staring them in the eye, they also had great respect for the dog.
He once chased a friend of mine on his 50cc motorcycle, my friend thought he was lunch, he would look on the speedo, doing nearly 60 km/h with this huge Rotty snapping at his number plate.
We still laugh about it.
He unfortunately went blind as he got older, so we had to put him down. The problem being, we could not keep up with repairing and replacing gates.
He could not see them, and used to run the gates right out their hinges, welding them fixed did not work either, two days later he would be through the gate again, tearing the metal of the weld.
Needless to say, he also got hurt from that.
The famous Chow Chow purple tongue eh. One of my geology professors has a Chow, man he is fluffy (The dog too) , and boy is that tongue purple.
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Yes, funny.

When the dog was still small, it had a pink tongue with a few purple dots on it, and as he grew the purple spots grew, until the whole tongue was purple.
It was an amazing dog, also ate an amazing amount of food every day.
I will never forget him.
And marrow bones, it was amazing how easily this dog would crunch'em up.
We could never believe it, yet it happened right in front of us.

But he had a knack. Strangers had to be very weary of him.
I always suspected he saw them as marrow bones.

We also never had problems with neighbours.
At 7 months old, Camel was about as big as most adult dogs, but very much a puppy. The lady I got him from was going to take him to the pound, just too much dog for her to handle. I knew he would likely get put to sleep, rather then be adopted. I could also tell from her stories he had a lot of potential, very smart for his age. Didn't have any experience with large breeds, and working a lot of overtime. It was rough going at first, he had almost no training. I just kept him focused on the basics and hope for the best. Turned out great, left most people and animals alone, didn't wander off. Could have easily escaped the backyard, never even tried. Really miss that monster dog, especially after just cleaning up the mess Jack made this morning while I was at work. He was doing pretty good for a while. Not real pleased that he gotten an interest in electronics, had parts scattered all over the house, even on my bed. Chewed up the foot rest on the old recliner (use to belong to my grandparents, don't really sit in much). And of course he got in the trash again, only paper, plastic, and coffee grounds. The parts kind of upset me, been working on a toy for him.
What about just putting weights on the lid of the garbage can? That way he can't push it up too easily. The only problem is he might still not get the point and hurt his nose.
If he goes on like that, he'll be the first robotic dog

Ahhhh, what will we do without our four legged friends. Life would really be boring.
I'm going to put a latch on it this weekend. Also considering putting a vibration alarm on it, so he gets a loud noise if he tries tampering with it. He learned to use the lever to pop the lid, probably learn how to work a latch. Kind of suck if I had to put an actual lock on it...
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