My dog...

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Actually I do not want a purebreed as my last dog was. Purebreeds have to many problems. I also like that dog on the Frasier show. Is the a Jack Russell?
The Jack Russell is a very high energy, high maintance breed. It is a very bad choice for an apartment or condo. The Frasier show caused a lot of people to buy them not knowing what they were getting into. A lot of them ended up at the pound.

If the dog will live in a condo get one with a temperment suited for that type of life.
My wife was into gerbils and hamsters 'big time' a while back. She still has good friends that breed and show. One of the major mover/shakers lives in London. Maybe he can suggest one that is closer. Getting rid of the unwanted offspring is a problem so I would not expect to pay much or anything for a pet. If they are interested PM me their email address.

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Thats good to know, thanks... What about Beagles?
You can google and find info on most breeds on the net. I was not quite sure about the Beagle so I looked it up.

I have a Keeshond Keeshond (Dutch Barge Dog) (Wolfspitz) (Chien Loup) (German Wolfspitz). It is a great dog. Works well in an apartment but like all dogs needs to be walked. Very smart but does not have the fetch gene. It can be taught as a trick but there is no interest in it past the reward. Very food driven. Extremely loyal. Great with kids and wives.

It is a cold weather dog but does not have the running temperament you see in huskies. No one breed is for everyone, if you like the idea of keeping Parana this dog might not be for you.


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Thanks for the info 3V0, I think the climate here would be a bit much for your type of pup. I think I will go for a Beagle crossbreed, that should help with the breed problem. I really dunno, but If I don't give my wife a dog, she wants a I am too old for kids...

I was one of those people, but we made it work. We had it in a house rather than a condo though, so it worked out fine.
Beagles probably wouldn't be a great choice, they are hunters, and like to stay active. If you don't keep them busy, they get busy with your stuff. You should consider your lifestyle, and what role the dog will play. The first years of puppy can be tough, might consider adopting an adultish, mature dog. Don't know much about condos, but dogs classed as a working or hunting breed need a yard, and plenty of room.
That's good advice Harvey.

I would also steer clear of fox-terriers for that matter.
How about a yorkie. Women also love them, they are small and happy indoors dogs.
My last dog was a Yorkie. This breed develops many health problems as my last one did.

Show breeds are a crap shoot, and very expensive to get a good healthy line. My mom's Yorkie is 16 years old, toothless, but still active. Was never really thrilled with the hyper little furball. Show dogs are usually intended for longevity, kind of a cruel practice in my opinion, in many cases. A litter might contain one or two decent animals, the rest won't live more than 5 or 6 years, good enough to win a few shows, and breed for a good price, before being put down.

They don't seem to be too loud or destructive, but very high energy, need a lot of maintenance (grooming). Being tall, and my foot is longer then the dog, always afraid of stepping on her. Never happened in all those years, just worries me every time I visit. My Lab steps on her deliberately (dominance), or maybe he's doing what he does to those little lizards... But all that aside, seems like a good dog, trainable and loyal.

My mom originally got a pair, on male, one female from the same litter (no, not to breed, she had them fixed). The male died of a heart defect before he was 2 years old. I've got some pictures of the female and my Lab together some place, might post some later.
That is remmenant of our DSL line when we had DSL. Nobody took it off. Did you not see the thick cable coming out of the wall below it?
Yes I did, but it's also fair for me to assume it was the CATV signal. I happen to have that wall plate arrangement in my home... only my phone jack is a CAT-5 data jack.
I usually leave 3 dog biscuits out for Jake before I leave for work, sort of a bribe to behave. Seldom eats them until after I get home, but I have to watch him, or he'll bury them in the backyard. Took the attach picture of a squirrel robbing the Jake's stash. Thought it was kind of funny.


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