my first line follower

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New Member
hey guys!!
this is my first line follower robot
i am using atmega 32
and a combination of IR led & photo diode as sensor
and 2 dc motor of 45 r.p.m
but my robot is too slow
how can i make it faster??
and my robo is unable to take sharp turns
how can i remove these limitations
plzz help!!!!!
video of my robo--**broken link removed**
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Why didn't you put your video in some place (like youtube) that's easier for people to watch so that we can help you.
I have to agree with vdd, I downloaded the file and it won't play in windows media player either.

However, even though I haven't seen the video, from your description it sounds like you have done a good job so far.

They should build highways with line following capability, probly the left lane best, or even all the lanes and ramps, marking the line with "hot" paint, perhaps slightly radioactive, so they could have cars following the line, combine that with GPS, you could have lines of cars on "auto" heading east i.e. and save a lot of gas.
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