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LCD_please help me !

#include "C:\Program Files\PICC\Examples\hienthiso.h"
#include "C:\Program Files\PICC\Drivers\LCD.C"
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#byte portD=0x08
#byte portB=0x06
#bit RB0=0x06.0
#use fast_io(b)
#use fast_io(d)
int8 mode,i,j;

void ext_isr()

void program1();
void program2();
void main()



case 1:program1();break;
case 2:program2();break;
void program1()
lcd_putc("NGUYEN VAN THANH");


void program2()
lcd_putc("HOANG THI HOAI MY");

I have a problem with code for LCD circuit.Please help me ! It doesn't work.


    2.4 KB · Views: 424

What have this to do with this thread

I think you got the wrong thread


erm bollocks we had this discussion on here once and i worked so figures out for such hard heads and that was the end of the dispute. plus what said idiots should remember is that each and every litre/gallon of petrol (or other fuel) still has to be mined transported treated and then transported again and then to polute more when its used. A solar panel lasts at least 25 years and once made lasts 25 years with no further input of manufactured energy for the next 25 years it gives back and if you work out how many watts that is over 25 years it more than disproves the:

"oh well that won't work just because I said so and heres a stupid reason to keep you baffled for the next 25 years by which time you won't be able to hold me responsable anymore for my unfounded opinions (not facts)"
Well guys as our gas fridge finally went south and we now need to run it off electric I took 2 panles off mt shed array and put them onto the house array. The pic really doesnt do the panels justice as they do look small compared to the kaneka thin film array.But they are 24 volt 175 watt panels.

Cheers Bryan
Nice pic, what's the roof and wall covering in front of the panel?, it looks like canvas or something?.

Looks seriously 'middle of nowhere'
The burlap walls are stronger than the rice-paper walls used in another country.
G'day Nigel,
That material is 60% shade cloth, ages ago I made a solid fence post type frame for the outer wall and sewed a pocket in the shadecloth to attach it to the house. As it's on the northen face it keeps the house a heap cooler in summer and the missus loves it as she raises herbs in it. When it's 44C in the shade I run a mist of water in the shadehouse and the house drops in temp to liveable. Before I made the shade house the slate floor tiles in the house got that hot you near burnt ya feet on them.

Now when ya say it's out in the middle of no-where, I'm less than an hour from the city and it takes less than an hour to get to work.

Cheers Bryan

Sounds like a nice workable idea, for little effort.

Now when ya say it's out in the middle of no-where, I'm less than an hour from the city and it takes less than an hour to get to work.

I'm in the UK, an hour from a city is the middle of nowhere!
Great Idea.

The burlap walls are stronger than the rice-paper walls used in another country.

That stuff is perfect for it's use out there. From where I am Down under.

Anyhow, what is the estimated life of the product?

Did they do something to make it more durable against solar radiation and wind stress, mold and rot. ?

If not is there something to treat it with to extend life of the product. ?

I also live in a city.
Water, electricity, natural gas and cable TV/internet come out of the ground.
When it gets hot the electric air conditioner cools my home and when it gets cold the natural gas furnace or fireplace provide the heating.

I have never heard of nor seen a wet "fabric" wall used for cooling.
I also live in a city

I have never heard of nor seen a wet "fabric" wall used for cooling.

Thats because you city dwellers never get out of ya shanty house and into the real world. There aint nuffin like livin in the country away from the city smog and 1,000's of ferals roaming around lookin to break into ya house. Out here in the country we hangup would be robbers, coat their nether parts with honey an tie em to an anthill...
The smog has been fixed so it is gone.
My part of Canada is civilized so there are hardly any home robberies.
Allo Guys,
Well finally found some shed time and I got the rotor for my 2hp motor conversion finished milled and ready for the magnets to go on and epoxy them in.

Hopefully by monday I'll be ready to put the 2hp conversion in the lathe to test it out.

Cheers Bryan
Maybe there are no police out in the Boonies. Explains why there is so much crime.
I know this is a bit stale... but why you think there is so much crime in the boonies. It is actualy much less as indicated by lower insurance rates.

Poeple who live in cities generaly know far fewer people then do rural or small town dwellers. Most often they do not even know the people who live on their block.

In a small town everyone knows what, and who, almost before it happens.

I know this is a bit stale... but why you think there is so much crime in the boonies. It is actualy much less as indicated by lower insurance rates.

Yes, it seems a strange pont of view? - crime rates are MUCH lower out in the country.
I would think lower as well as you can get shot out in the country in most places. But the insurance rate would probably be a better guess.
I know this is a bit stale... but why you think there is so much crime in the boonies. It is actualy much less as indicated by lower insurance rates.
There was talk about robbers in the boonies. Hardly anybody gets robbed in my city.
My insurance rates are mainly for fire, not robberies. A fire hydrant is close to my home, I have smoke detectors and an extinguisher so my insurance rate is very low.
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