My multi talented variable.

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Often now when writing code where I need flexibility with a certain variable I use a type I call multi as it can be multiple types.

It goes like this,
typedef union{
    uint32_t i;
    int32_t s;
        uint16_t lo;
        uint16_t hi;
        unsigned :31;
        unsigned neg:1;     
    uint8_t b0;
    uint8_t b1;
    uint8_t b2;
    uint8_t b3;

And can be used to define a variable,
multi myVar;

Now myVar can be accessed in many ways,
myVar.i is a 32 bit unsigned integer
myVar.s is a 32 bit signed integer
myVar.lo is the lower 16 bits
myVar.hi is the higher 16 bits
myVar.neg is the sign bit
myVar.b0 to myVar.b3 are the individual bytes of the variable.

A 16 bit variation of this can also be very useful. So you can do things like,
Saves on casting, shifting, multiplying, adding etc.

Hope someone finds this useful.

Hi Mike:

Like you, I use something similar to eliminate math operations...

Regards, Mike

  *  program Flash ROM from hex file via serial input at 115200 baud        *

  typedef union {                   // **************************************
    uint32_t val;                   //                                      *
    struct {                        // convenient byte access to uint32     *
      uint8_t lo;                   //                                      *
      uint8_t hi;                   //                                      *
      uint8_t ul;                   //                                      *
      uint8_t uh;                   //                                      *
    };                              //                                      *
  } combi32;                        // **************************************

  combi32 addr;

  char progHex()                    // **************************************
  { char bytecnt;                   // hex record length                    *
    char rectype;                   // hex record type                      *
    char data;                      //                                      *
    char cksum;                     // hex record checksum                  *
    char error = 0;                 //                                      *
    addr.val = 0;                   // init 32-bit address (lo.hi.ul.uh)    *
    do                              // process hex file                     *
    { do                            // process hex record                   *
      { putSer(data = getSer());    // echo & flush <cr> and <lf> chars     *
      } while(data != ':');         // until we see a ':' record header     *
      cksum =(bytecnt = getByte()); // get 'byte' (not character) count     *
      cksum+=(addr.hi = getByte()); // get address hi                       *
      cksum+=(addr.lo = getByte()); // get address lo                       *
      cksum+=(rectype = getByte()); // get record type (0, 1, or 4)         *
      if(rectype == 4)              // if <extended address> record         *
      { addr.uh = getByte();        // update hi part of 32-bit address     *
        cksum += addr.uh;           //  "                                   *
        addr.ul = getByte();        //  "                                   *
        cksum += addr.ul;           //  "                                   *
      }                             //                                      *
      if(rectype == 0)              // if <data> record                     *
      { while(bytecnt--)            //                                      *
        { data = getByte();         //                                      *
          cksum += data;            //                                      *
          wrByte(addr.val++, data); // program byte to Flash ROM            *
        }                           //                                      *
      }                             //                                      *
      data = getByte();             // get record checksum byte             *
      if(-data != cksum)            //                                      *
        error = 1;                  // indicate error                       *
    } while(rectype != 1);          // loop until <end-of-file> record      *
    return error;                   //                                      *
  }                                 // **************************************
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