my new avatar

Do you like my avatar?

  • YES! Keep it and never change it again

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No! It copies Kermit the frog's avatar too much

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dont care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • what's an avatar?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dont know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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New Member
so guys, what do you think of my new avatar?

To me personally, it seems like I'm copying Kermit the Frog avatar smoking away, but I think mine is more hilarious.

First of all, If I remember correctly, Tails is like what, 12 years old, and he is SMOKING HERE???? LMAO. I wonder where he finds his cigarettes.

In fact, I wonder how Kermit the frog could actually smoke. For crying out loud, kermit is a FROG! Most people do not dump cigarettes near frogs.

Let's put it this way, I thought that two smoking pics are better than one. I dont smoke in RL.

What do you all think?

That looks pretty cool.

I can't see, is it a "cat" smoking?

Do you like my avatar or should I change it?

Nice avatar where did you find it?:lol:

It's Tails, the Fox.

Someone already has sonic as their avatar, so I think it would suck to have two sonics, so therefore, I use tails.

I did a random image search on google, and compressed the image to fit the admin's needs.

I wonder who didnt like my avatar.
Have a look:

My avatar:
**broken link removed**

Pike's Avatar:
**broken link removed**

I happen to like being young. and I bet Pike disliked my avatar.
Yeah, I have the Metallix II avatar from Sonic & Knuckles. He had a cool "charging up" animation but it was too big in size.

<-- Sonic freak

I got my avatar from R2D2 him self
but he kept moving when I was taking a picture of him and I got this.
Seems like alot of people "don't care" about your avatar. Wonder why the voted.:?

I think it looks pretty cool. Keep It. 8)

My avatat is kind of lame though, trying to find a new one.

mstechca said:
Have a look:

My avatar:
**broken link removed**

Pike's Avatar:
**broken link removed**

I happen to like being young. and I bet Pike disliked my avatar.

Well you now know what i voted for!!
doesn't matter i stole this one off some else on another forum 'as is' no edits whatsoever.
my, this avatar is getting a bit of everything. One user picked "I dont know" LOL.

I will keep it (at least until everyone requests a change).
He is smoking an organic cigarette


and the stuff that is coming out is the smell of flowers

i made this one after one of the previous family guy episodes for another forum... didn't think it'd really be appropriate for this one though. 8)

**broken link removed**
<-------- mY AvAtAr p3wNs AlL
heres a bigger version:


  • cat_gun_561.jpg
    6.2 KB · Views: 340
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