My newest robot, fusilli!

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Fusilli is a robot that is a custom circut by me (lol get it? custom? HA!) I just gotta solder it on and its alive! Fusilli is a light seeking robot using 2 photodiodes wired up in reverse to be sensitive to electricity, just like Phobug, which was mine and etc which has been renamed Fettuccine 2.0

Fusilli is a servo mounted to a pair of housing wire legs. These legs are stable and allow the phototropic head to search around the room looking for the brightest light source. Once it finds it, it lock on to it and can track it. It uses the dual comparator to compare the 2 voltages from the photodiodes, similar to spaghetti. It is easy to create another circuit like this and mount another servo (y axis) on top of the other (x axis) servo to create a 2 axis of freedom light seeking robot head. I will post some pictures later once its done! It uses a H-Bridge to contol the motors back and forth. It will be pretty cool, and i will build a solar engine and put it on my desk.
Fusilli is complete! It works incredible! I couldnt think of a body for it, so i just taped everything onto the servo. Looks kinda cool. Fusilli can track light in a full 180degrees on its body. It can also track moving objects, aka a led torch, or whatever it may pick up. I am going to experiment with it and see if i can adapt it to go onto a future robot D) , perhaps for tracking? Once Fusilli gets onto a good light target, it tries to even out the light it sees in both eyes. It doesnt awlays do this (due to how i tuned it, thereforeit will constantly move). I also built a dual H-bridge so it can be easily adapted for another servo for 2 axis of freedom head! I am going to do this soon! But it also will begin to oscillate very fast, around 200hz sometimes, and it is crazy! Very fun! Crazy fun actually! This robot is extremely buggy, it will track a object (as long as its bright) for hours then suddenly switch to some random object. Very confusing and scary to see it just stare at you for a hour and have it oscilliate.


1:The first picture is Fusilli as compared to macaroni (yes it is souperman, look at the "gotta love rippin off free samples thread" read the whole thing). It likes my microwave's lights.

2: Fusilli tracking the cameras flash (it is actually oscilliating back and forth about 1cm 200hz. So its pretty speedy!

3. Dual h bridge i pulled out of farfalle and a pretty flower tile of my moms kitchen

4: Fusilli's H bridge is specially designed to have its own 3v powersupply while its controlled by a input of around 1.5v to up to 20v. It is a awesome design and is the ultimate in small robots and servos without a Microcontroller


I may post the schematic up, but if you want me to, post your responses and comments below. If is VERY VERY FUN WATCHING!!!


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I was going to post links to all my robots in my signature, but I am pretty notorious for the largest signature ever. Woot i win a medal
It would be interesting to see a short YouTube video of it in action. Any chance of that? I have a name for the next generation Fusilli robot with 2 axis light tracking; "Fusilli Four Eyes" since it would most likely have 4 CDS eyes. Keep it up.
Thanks! Problem is that I dont have a video camera that can interface with a PC. I tried a few times, but diddnt get it Its pretty cool i can tell you that much. Maybe i might get a video camera
SORRY! Correction 5hz. i just remembered what 200hz is. All refrences to hz is now 5hz. Sorry about that
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