my second symet [video]

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New Member
Ok, thanks for all of your help in the forum, I've completed my second symet (first one doesn't work very well so it's not worth showing).

Here it is: **broken link removed**

I'm very happy with the results, it ended up to be very efficient -I don't know why- it can run continuously under full sunlight. The weird thing is I'm using a 2v 100mA cell (yes, only 2v!) it doesn't work with any other of my solar cells, some of them of about 5v and even with two connected in series (I don't know about the current they're delivering) and with this 2v cell it doesn't work with any of the motors I tested (about 5 of them) so off all of the possible combinations of cells/motors this was the only one that worked well which made me think the secret is in the motor but unfortunately I can't get more of them and I don't remember where it came from. So I'll have a hard time with my next BEAM bot trying to find a winning combo like this one. But anyway, this one works great.
(by the way it's a fled solar engine).

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