I found this mostly unmarked white plastic device, containing a dual-stage vacuum pump that appears to draw air through some sheets of waxy plastic/paper sheets. There is a coarse foam filter near the sheets, a cooling fan blowing on the pump, a control PCB with a few power devices and a pic16f54, and a small user interface with "Set and "On/Off" buttons, and three LEDs. The outlet is a ~4mm tube.
No markings on the outside, other than the user interface. Inside, there are some codes on the PCB, e.g. DZYJ, and some component IDs. Pretty blank, unfortunately.
There's a replaceable coarse foam pad on the outside of the device, presumably to catch large dust and lint. I assume that the waxy sheets that the compressor's sucking through provide finer filtration. It probably is just a compressor with air filter, like you said.