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ThermalRunaway said:
I've not seen that series. Is this the girl you're all talking about?
Yep, that's her. :lol:

I see that you watched the "make a crane throw Buster away" part (I forgot what was it's original name)
ThermalRunaway said:
Is this the girl you're all talking about?
Which one is Kari? They're both kinda skinny. :lol:
Her other hair is probably removed.


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You live 9 hours away from san fransisco

I live 10 to 12 mins away on car away from there warehouse

Plus I have seen them before when I worked at that surplus electronic store.
They goto all of them in the bay area and some in the contra costa county.

They also goto flee markets and meets.

Plus they don't let anyone do the electronic work for them you have to have years of expierence and they would have to be looking.

You can't even get to the door with out going through security.
i also like this show WERY much. i just saw today the part they constructed Buster 2. Also saw wery cool ways to cool a six-pack in under 3 mins. using dry ise and a pipe or this red barrel that you aim to kill fire (i dont know how to spell this word in english )
I have also seen this part today...

PS: WERY is not a word, VERY is
Yea i just sean that one.But the Buster 2 is looking a bit pink.

And pour adam got praked.That must of ben an prety good shock becose it made an quite big arc wen the shorted it.

That must of ben an prety strong electic fence.I also toched an electric fence a cuple of times.Its shocking you whith short but painful pulses.

What of someome made an DC electric fence?That wod ceratny be bad becose you wod no be able to relese it becose your muscles wod lock up.

Thers also an new show coming up that is simalar to mithbusters.I think its caled Blockheads.
oh yea its Braniac.Sory i didnt quite remeber the name of the show.

Looks prety much like mithbusters.Ahhh god old science and destruction.

Now there is mayham on all days of the weak.Mithbusters from monday to fiday and braniac on the weakend.perfect.I cant wait to see it.
Well I have been watching Brainiac for a while now (downloaded via bittorrent), and it is not as good as Mythbusters. It's more about explosions and doing crazy, well known stuff. But I guess you will like it...
bloody-orc said:
i'm just wondering when is mythbusters on on youre side of the globe? it's 20:00 here.
That's relative, here it's aired at 19:00 CET.

(I suppose Estonia and Central Europe are on the same side of the globe) :lol:
You guys are blocking out my response to zach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
:evil: :evil: :evil:

Well zach it is the second page read it
ps: please
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