N00B question:how to change the internal cloks freq.

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Someone Electro

New Member
How to change the internal clock on PIC16F88

im using the internal oscilator for the clock but how to chage it (its 31KHz but i want 4 or 8 Mhz)

in the datasheet it ses that the addres is "8Fh" but how do i write that address in WinPic?
PIC Code

Here is some code for changing to 4Mhz. Reference the data sheet along with this to get a good idea of how it works. Note that you can write a value to OSCCON in one instruction. I have only done it step by step for easier understanding.

bsf		STATUS, RP0     ;BANK1

bsf		OSCCON, IRCF2   ;Set oscillator to 4 MHz
bsf		OSCCON, IRCF1   ;110

bsf		OSCCON, SCS1    ;10

bcf		STATUS, RP0    ;BANK0
hmm.. dosent seem to work i still get: click click click click...from my piezo.(the sound demo needs 4MHz but im suning it at 31KHz)

meaby someone knows how to do it in mikroBasic?

i used the "asm" comand to implant the asembely
Someone Electro said:
hmm.. dosent seem to work i still get: click click click click...from my piezo.(the sound demo needs 4MHz but im suning it at 31KHz)

meaby someone knows how to do it in mikroBasic?

i used the "asm" comand to implant the asembely

Assuming the 16F88 is a supported device?, there should be a command to do it? - try asking at MikroBasic support.
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